Welcome speech” by Maya Hites

“Scientific highlights in Infectious Diseases in the last 2 years” by Bart Rijnders

Clinical microbiology laboratories, clinical microbiologists, doctors and climate change” by Erlangga Yusuf

Climate change, vector borne infections and other infectious diseases” by Steven Van Den Broucke

“(The decrease) of antibiotic use in veterinary medicine” by Ilias Chantziaras

“Sars-CoV – 2 – transmission to the wild fauna” by Steven van Gucht

Infectious disease specialist in crisis area” by Elham Khatamzas

“Laboratory automatisation and centralization” by Astrid Muyldermans

“Changing landscape in diagnostic microbiology” by Andreas Voss

“New antibiotics in the pipeline against multidrug resistant Gram-negatives” by Françoise Van Bambeke

New guidelines MDR Gram negatives” by Jan Dewaele

“Bacteriophages: clinical experience and regulation” by Maya Hites and Isabel Spriet

“Monkeypox virus” by Laurens Liesenborghs

“Professional Union of Infectiologists” by Steven Callens and Caroline Theunissen